Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Coconut water (coconut water) can be used as a mineral drink because it is rich in this erosion principle.Coconut water also has good properties and is iso-nick, which is why coconut water can be utilized. Wayne in patients with symptoms of dehydration or abnormal blood volume.
Look, coconut water is a drink that is very beneficial and nourishes the body.

2. Vietnam,

coffee is a drink made from the beans obtained from the coffee plant. Also known as roasted coffee beans, coffee is grown in more than 70 countries around the world. Green coffee (unroasted coffee) is one of the most widely traded agricultural products in the world. Coffee contains caffeine. It has properties in humans. Coffee is currently the most popular drink in the world.



Hot milk tea, or as Singaporeans call tezi, is a very popular drink here, and you can find it at any food court. Te Si is iced tea, flour with milk and sugar. In street food courts, coffee clubs in the provinces of Thailand

4. Philippines

Mango juice blended mango juice “mango” besides being a delicious fruit It is also a fruit that is high in fiber, potassium and vitamin C, and is currently being studied in laboratories. Discovered that mangoes may help prevent Or destroy colon cancer cells and breast cancer for the benefits of the mango.
In addition to being high in vitamin C, it is also high in vitamin A (beta carotene) and other essential vitamins such as vitamins E, B and K, all of which are essential for the heart. Keeps the heart healthy And also rich in fiber Helps to treat constipation and the colonic stiffness and contraction as well.



Roselle juice Roselle juice of herbs that can help reduce excess effectively. Studies have shown that red platypus contains less toxins like ancyanins "in large quantities. Chemicals mixed with those found in blueberries, cherries, and carberries have anti-leasing properties, red dees has also been found to lower the tip of the tip, safety and prevent the cold. (LDL) in our body as well.


Tea is very important and very sensitive to drinking tea, its relationship with human cultures around the world. In Asia, tea making tea is a sacred ritual of cleaning.

"Teh Tarik" or "Tetare", which means "tea chak" according to the tea making method found in the shattered armchair, no matter the country, the type of brewing "chak tea" but found that there is a tea shop. In general, both in the platform and in the south of Thailand, in the making of tea, use it between tea with milk and fresh milk or milk with hot water.

7. Laos

Yanang juice, a warm herb and tongue, is now a popular herb that has cold breeze in the evening. It is a cool herb and is a natural fresh chlorophyll. Yanang leaves and leaf juice are also available. Sea Chak A, B1, B2 and High Carotene Ships and Ships, the ancient people believed that the Dwarves of the Gentile Elder were able to fix it, as well as help warn of guilt and other poisonings. Drunk Medicines to cure fever and wind leaves also help warn and cure fever.



Orange juice, as the name suggests, is a fruit juice that comes from the citrus fruit.It is a popular fruit juice that is easy to drink and provides nutrition, especially high in vitamin C.


Oh beer or iced black coffee is made from coffee mixed with syrup and then put ice into it. It has a bitter and sweet taste that adds a lot of warmth.


Taeo is a type of tea in the country of Toon.It is very fragrant tea.People tend to drink it in the morning to heat up the body.


Coconut water (coconut water) can be used as a mineral drink because it is rich in this erosion principle.Coconut water also has good proper...